About Us

A bit about our branch… The Energy Central Branch is based in the London Region and has around 2,200 members. It has a long history and incorporates members from within the Energy Sector. This could range from Gas, Electricity, Oil, Petroleum, and of course renewables such as Solar, Wind, Methane etcetera.
The Branch also has around 40 Shop Stewards, Accompanying Reps, Auditors, A Branch Secretary and President. The Branch relies heavily on these people and they work tirelessly on a voluntary basis to help Members achieve, better working terms and conditions, to deal with Health & Safety issues, Equality issues, Pay negotiations, recruitment to name but a few.
Key People
Jim Whelan – President, Senior Steward and Health & Safety Rep.
Paul Block – Branch Secretary, Senior Steward and Health & Safety Rep.
Joe Isaacs – Former Branch Secretary, Auditor and has held too many other posts to list!
Eion Collins-Baird Equalities Rep, Senior Steward (Morrison Utilities) and Health & Safety Rep.
Paul Hamilton Senior Steward (British Gas) and Health & Safety Rep.
Aims and Targets.
To help new and existing Shop Stewards, Health & Safety Reps and of course Members. This can include training and support as necessary, representation when required as well as an open forum for all to come to (Branch Meetings). To provide support where necessary to aid recruitment and organise the day to day running of the Branch.